B2B Social Growth: Presented By Tribal Impact

How To Activate Your Executives And Leadership On LinkedIn With Aileen Scriba From Henkel

Tribal Impact

It's no surprise that LinkedIn is quickly becoming the place to hang out for business professionals. This is even more true for executives and employees in leadership positions. 

When leaders are active on LinkedIn, not only do they showcase their expertise and what it might feel like to work with that company, but they also attract talent and put a human personality in front of the brand of the company

 In this episode, Tribal Impact CEO Sarah Goodall and Aileen Scriba, Digital Communications Manager at Henkel discuss:  

 ✔  How to get buy-in from your executives and leaders to start posting on LinkedIn 

 ✔  Common objections and how to overcome them 

 ✔  Why providing training is important 
✔  Who should you focus on first and why

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