B2B Social Growth: Presented By Tribal Impact

How To Accelerate Your Global Digital Selling Program With Alejandro Cabral From Kimberly-Clark Professional

According to Linkedin, about one third of B2B sellers (31%) say that they've closed deals over $500,000 without ever meeting the buyer face to face. 

Join Tribal Impact's Vanessa Baker who'll be talking to Alejandro Cabral, Global Digital Sales Transformation Leader at Kimberly-Clark Professional, to discuss how to accelerate your global digital selling program. 

We'll be discussing: 

  • The challenges of running a global digital selling program
  • Global vs. local approach to program management 
  • Onboarding new social sellers 
  • How long does it take to see results? 

As always, this was recorded live on LinkedIn, so you may hear some four legged friends in the background throughout the podcast!

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