B2B Social Growth: Presented By Tribal Impact

How To Use A Social First Approach to Launch Your New Proposition With Lucy Thorpe From Sapphire

Brand messages reached 561% further when shared by employees vs the same messages shared via official brand social channels (MSLGroup). This means that engaging thought leaders and employee advocates on social is more important than ever before - especially at key moments, like launching a new proposition. 

However, introducing social media across the organisation and encouraging employees to become active can be a challenge. 

Join Tribal Impact's Vanessa Baker, and Lucy Thorpe, Head of Communications at Sapphire to learn how they pioneered a social first, newsroom style approach to relaunching Sapphire's new proposition. 

Key themes we'll cover: 
⭐Embracing social in the B2B workplace 
⭐Role of social in communicating a brand relaunch & value proposition 
⭐Importance of activating leaders & employees on social 
⭐Sapphire's innovative approach to content strategy - with video and a newsroom style 
⭐Value of social in internal and external communications 
⭐How coaching for employees gives the confidence and skills needed to become active 

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